本帖最后由 bitbob 于 2011-2-21 23:16 编辑
2.从下载的新地图文件夹中拷贝*.meta 文件到激活程序 insert_meta_from_Map_here文件夹下。
3.编辑DeviceID.txt文件,输入你的机器ID(注意大小写,不要空格),这一步也可以在下一步执行程序时输入。机器ID可以在运行的TT下点Version,信息里就有。或者复制TT安装目录中的一个文件到电脑的桌面(\Program Files\Navigator\ttnavigator.bif),用记事本打开,定位到第5行,将DeviceUniqueID=后面的设备ID字符串记下便是机器ID(共10位)
4. 把存储卡插入电脑读卡器,电脑端运行可执行程序RunMeforAllAutomatic.cmd,根据提示一步步根据你的情况选择(TT版本、存储卡盘符等),激活存储卡上地图,程序会自动生成.dct文件并写入地图所在目录。
5. 提示激活成功后,带地图的存储卡放入PDA/PNA,进入TT设置你的地图即可。
Simple instructions to register maps.
1- Copy "Easyusetools_for Keygen_Mapcheck_Metacheck_ttsystempatcher" folder somewhere on your drive
2- Make sure the latest meta.txt file is inside the "Progs" folder and that it has the meta codes for your map. You could easily add the blowfish meta codes for the map you want into that text file, just copy the structure.
3- Add your device code to DeviceID.txt file inside the "Easyusetools_for Keygen_Mapcheck_Metacheck_ttsystempatcher folder"
4- Copy the *.meta file from your map to the "insert_meta_from_Map_here" folder
5- Run "RunMeforDCT.cmd", choose "1" and again "1"
6- The *.dct file should be inside the "insert_meta_from_Map_here" folder.
7- Copy the *.dct file to the your map folder, put map folder on your storage card.
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